Donate Now

Every animal deserves a chance at a better life, and your donation can make that possible. By contributing to our cause, you’re helping animals in desperate need of rescue, care, and a warm embrace. Each donation creates ripples of positive change, offering these innocent beings a second chance and a loving home. Join us today in making a lasting impact.

Be Their Hero: Donate to Save Innocent Lives

puppy rabies,distemper & parvo vaccines
Rs : 827 /-

will provide 1 puppy rabies,distemper & parvo vaccines, as well as

Neuter and rabies
Rs: 2,067 /-

will provide 1 dog a neuter and rabies vaccination


Spay and rabies
Rs: 2,895 /-

will provide 1 dog a spay and rabies vaccination


Treatment and
Rs: 4,136/-

will provide treatment and food for a dog with mange

Surgeries For Dogs
Rs: 8,272 /-

covers surgeries for hit-and-run victims

Sponsors a
Rs: 23,825/-

sponsors a dog for 1 year

Salary for our veterinarian
Rs: 33,088 /-

Provides one month salary for our veterinarian

Feed our on-site animals
Rs: 41,363

will feed our on-site animals for 1 month

Rice Bag
Rs: 2500/-

25 Kg Rice Bag 

Pedigree bag
Rs: 2500

25 Kg pedigree Bag 

Milk and Eggs
Rs: 1000/-

Milk and eggs for cats & dogs 

Dog Biscuits & Treats
Rs: 1000/-

Biscuits & Treats 

Pet Toys
Rs: 500/-

Play Toys for dogs & Cats

Beds & Towels
Rs: 1000/-

Beds , towels and bed sheets 

Food & Water Bowls
Rs: 100/-

Food and Water Bowls 

Wheel Chair
Rs: 7,500/-

wheelchair for crippled dogs

Rs: 500/-

Diapers for crippled dogs

Absorbing sheets
Rs: 500/-

Absorbing sheets for crippled dogs

Collar and leash
Rs: 300/-

Collar and leash for dogs

Gift Basket
Rs: 5000/-

All-in-one Gift Basket for Dogs

They Need Your Help!

Moral: “What goes around comes around.” Every act of charity and kindness, no matter how small or big, brings forth manifold blessings from our Creator. These blessings will extend not only to us but also to future generations. Together, let us embark on this journey, driven by our shared commitment to making a meaningful impact on the lives of these vulnerable loving creations of God.

Praise the Lord. 🙏